Latest PECL Releases:
- md4c 1.1
Initial release - md4c 1.0.0dev
Initial release - xdebug 3.4.0
Thu, Nov 28, 2024 – Xdebug 3.4.0-
New features:
- Fixed issue #2239: Add ‘XDEBUG_IGNORE’ GET/POST/COOKIE/ENV to make the step debugger ignore that specific request
- Fixed issue #2281: PHP 8.4 support
- Fixed issue #2261: Send control socket location in init packet
= Fixed bugs:
- Fixed issue #2262: PHP 8.4: Closure names need different wrapping algorithm
- Fixed issue #2283: SoapClient usage causes segfault with codecoverage
- Fixed issue #2294: Nette Tester always crashes in all test jobs when running with XDebug 3.4.0beta1 active
- Fixed issue #2304: Seg fault on throw exception
- Fixed issue #2305: Segfault when checking whether to ignore creating a debug connection during shutdown functions
- swoole 5.1.6
– Fixed the issue where `SwooleHttpResponse::end()` returns `null`. @NathanFreeman
– Fixed the problem where the mutex lock of `SwooleTable` could not be used before the process exits. @matyhtf
– Fixed the failure of `SwooleServer::stop()` caused by using named parameters. @matyhtf
– Fixed the issue where the `runtime tcp` module did not support dynamically enabling SSL encryption. @matyhtf
– Fixed the `Fatal error` issue caused by the timeout feature of `PHP` in `ZTS` mode. @matyhtf
– Fixed the problem where `SwooleCoroutine::getaddrinfo()` method could lead to SIGSEGV. @matyhtf
– Fixed the issue where the HTTP client running for a long time resulted in incorrect timeout settings. @matyhtf - protobuf 4.29.0
* See for release notes. - mongodb 1.20.1
## What’s Changed
* PHPC-2457: Fix using array items by reference by @alcaeus in
* Use RHEL 8 to test old server versions by @alcaeus in
* PHPC-2350: Test that PackedArray::fromJSON() accepts objects with valid keys by @jmikola in
* PHPC-2433: Test PHP 8.4 on Evergreen by @alcaeus in
* Include the compiler variant in Windows release file names for PHP 8.3 by @jmikola in
* Update to latest setup-php-sdk version by @alcaeus in
* Skip building against libmongoc master by @alcaeus in
* PHPC-2468: Update to libmongoc 1.28.1 by @alcaeus in
* PHPC-2649: Use output from setup-php-sdk in packaging step by @alcaeus in
* Enable PHP 8.4 testing on PPC and Zseries by @alcaeus in
* Use correct name for PDB file for pie installs. by @mickverm in
* Remove prefix ext- from extension name. by @macintoshplus in
* Configure release notes to exclude merge-up bot by @alcaeus in Contributors
- @mickverm made their first contribution in
- @macintoshplus made their first contribution in
Full Changelog:…1.20.1
- xmldiff 1.1.4
– Fix PHP 8.4 compatibility (Remi Collet)
Source: Read MoreÂ