Context: In my company, the teams are organized horizontally – meaning Front end teams, middle layer teams, SAP teams etc. They have more than 10 different applications that have their own Front-ends but the middle layer and the SAP layer are reused heavily through APIs. We would like to create test automation framework to test these different applications. We are planning to use a Cucumber-Playwright/Selenium combination for this.
I am looking for ways to create reusable packages/components of the automation framework like the basic Playwright/Selnium libraries, page objects, helper functions, utilities etc. so that the different teams can focus on writing their feature files and step definitions rather than worry about the GUI changes, updating the library versions etc. Meaning that the application code itself will contain the feature files and step definitions code but the framework part will be imported.
It could be something like converting the framework part to a Nuget package etc. and publishing them to artifactory and the application repository imports this package for the tests to run. Any pointers on such a setup will be helpful.
Source: Read More