I have application which has extension as .msc, I tried it with python
I also ran winappdriver before executing this script. I have seen demo codes on some blogs which uses .exe file extension for the app like calculator or notepad, but nothing around .msc. And similar question around this same problem is unanswered here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67823892/appium-winappdriver-unable-to-automate-jnlp-applications-the-specified-exec
import time
from appium import webdriver
desired_caps = {}
desired_caps[“app”] = “C:\Desktopvit extendedvit.msc”
desired_caps[“platformName”] = “Windows”
driver = webdriver.Remote(“”, desired_caps)
Earlier I was getting below error but got rid of this when I added additional capabilities as appWorkingDir and deviceName-
Failed to locate opened application window with appId “xxx” and process “xxx”
but now stumbled upon getting this error –
The specified Executable is not a valid application for this OS Platform