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I have a scenario, which I am finding bit difficult to automate.
The test scenario is :
There are two drop down.

To select the state.
To select the respective cities.

So, I need to write a script to automate, where I need to select a state from State drop down and for that state I need to select all the cities one after the other. Once all the cities are selected for that respective state, I need to come out of that loop and select a different state and repeat this process.
This is the code which i have written.
def test_state(self):
element = self.getAllTheElements(self.Register_page_elements,’xpath’, ‘option’)
for link in element:
if link.get_attribute(‘value’):
element = self.getAllTheElements(‘autocomplete-city’, ‘id’, ‘option’)
for link2 in element:
if link2.get_attribute(“value”):

Since I have not given break statement, it will throw an error after completing entire iteration.
But, if I give a break it wont work the way I want.
This is the HTML code of the drop down.
For state.
<div class=”under-line”>
<select type=”text” class=”enque-content” autocomplete=”off” required=”required” id=”autocomplete-state” name=”state” onchange=”getCities(this)”>
<option selected=”” disabled=”disabled” value=””>Please select your state*</option>
<option value=”1″>Andaman and Nicobar Island</option><option value=”2″>Andhra Pradesh</option><label alt=”First Name*” class=”enque-placeholder-label” placeholder=”First Name*”> </label><option value=”3″>Arunachal Pradesh</option><option value=”4″>Assam</option><option value=”5″>Bihar</option><option value=”6″>Chandigarh</option><option value=”8″>Dadra and Nagar Haveli</option><option value=”7″>Chhattisgarh</option><option value=”9″>Daman and Diu</option><option value=”10″>Delhi</option><option value=”37″>Goa</option><option value=”12″>Gujarat</option><option value=”13″>Haryana</option><option value=”14″>Himachal Pradesh</option><option value=”15″>Jammu and Kashmir</option><option value=”16″>Jharkhand</option><option value=”17″>Karnataka</option><option value=”18″>Kerala</option><option value=”19″>Lakshadweep</option><option value=”20″>Madhya Pradesh</option><option value=”21″>Maharashtra</option><option value=”22″>Manipur</option><option value=”23″>Meghalaya</option><option value=”24″>Mizoram</option><option value=”25″>Nagaland</option><option value=”26″>Odisha</option><option value=”27″>Puducherry</option><option value=”28″>Punjab</option><option value=”29″>Rajasthan</option><option value=”30″>Sikkim</option><option value=”31″>Tamil Nadu</option><option value=”32″>Telangana</option><option value=”33″>Tripura</option><option value=”34″>Uttar Pradesh</option><option value=”35″>Uttarakhand</option><option value=”36″>West Bengal</option></select>

Once I select the state then the city drop down will appear.

How can I enable variations in Chrome from chromedriver options?

Hello, I’m facing a problem with Chrome where when I run an automated UI test with chromedriver, there’s issues showing up (such as header is too high which covers other elements) but if I manually open up Chrome and perform the UI tests manually, the issues aren’t there (the header looks correct).

I opened up chrome://version for both browsers and saw that the instance from automation does not have Variations listed, while the manual run had Variations listed.

I tried adding options.addArgument(“–reset-variation-state) in hopes that it would enable it but it did not do anything.

I’ll attach some screenshots

This is chrome without Variations

Using JMeter Selenium for web based application so every Vuser should pick different file.
Ex:-” User1 —->Payroll1,User2——>Payroll2,User3——>Payroll3,User4——>Payroll4……”
So written the groovy scripting like this enter image description here
Calling the parameter in the script as this enter image description here
enter image description here
But still EverVuser is picking the same file.
Ex:” User1 —->Payroll1,User2——>Payroll1,User3——>Payroll1,User4——>Payroll1….
next iteration it is picking like
User1 —->Payroll2, User2——>Payroll2,User3——>Payroll2, User4——>Payroll2,”
Could anyone please help me