
while executing the Jmeter selenium scripts in azure pipeline ,I repeatedly seeing the error 500 error saying that “No Such Session Found”
But while running the same script in our Virtual Machine script is working fine for large no.of iterations.
kindly help me in this issuse. I attached the Error what we are facing below .

Vusers- 10, Files -250 ,Duration – 3600
Target is to upload 250 Files and file names is Payroll0, Payroll1 ,Payroll2, Payroll3,….Payroll247, Payroll248,Payroll249, Payroll250.
Using JMeter Selenium for web based application so every Vuser should pick different file. Ex:-” User1 —->Payroll1,User2——>Payroll2,User3——>Payroll3,User4——>Payroll4……” So written the groovy scripting like this

But User1 —->Payroll1,User2——>Payroll2,User3——>Payroll3,User4——>Payroll4….User9—–>Payroll9, User10—->Payroll10 and every user is picking like this and while every user after completion of iteration it is picking the same file.
Followed this URL but still no luck for me Every Vuser should pick different file name.
Target is to select Unique Each Iteration I mean every vusers should pick new file for every iteartion.
Could anyone please help me

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