
We’re not artists, by any means. But our success as researchers hinges on the ability to apply innovative thinking to…

I am trying to translate cucumber into XRay for Jira issues with the right structure. The result should be issues with Test Executions I can run for every example.

I want to make a test with multiple ‘Examples’ a-la Scenario Outlines in Cucumber.

Am I wanting to do Test Sets? A Test Plan?

Something else? I need an XRay for Cucumber testers intro.

Example fake Scenario Outline.

Scenario Outline: Ensure privs restricted
Given I am logged onto “<container>”
And I run the priv check
Then privs are restricted
| container |
| rabbit1 |
| zalenium1 |
| zalenium2 |


I am working on Jmeter for testing a Magento application while using the CSS selector extractor and providing the following information. Please let me know if the parameters are correct. In the post request, I have replaced the form_key as ${form_key}. Please help.Reference link for the steps followed

Menu-Design Checklist * STL Twister * DGM.js * ASCII Silhouettify Source: Read MoreÂ