
#​695 — July 4, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly How to Annul Promises in JavaScript — You can…

I am calling 2 different endpoints in my jmeter test.
The first endpoint should provide me with a single number (for instance 568959) in its response body and then I must pass it to my second endpoint.

Here is the response of my first endpoint:

please notice the response contains a single number, and it is not a json response as you see in image.

and then I used a Regular Expression Extractor to extract this number from the body using a variable called newsId and regular expression as (.*) as below:

But, when I run my second request, I noticed it is sending an empty ${newsId} such as:

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by complex deployment processes or felt it tedious to integrate multiple tools to get things done? Then TOSCA is a great tool that can solve all your problems. But what is the TOSCA Automation tool? How does it work? How exactly can it benefit you? These are all the major
The post TOSCA Automation Tool: What is It? Why Use It? appeared first on Codoid.

The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS. Ryan Finnie has announced the release of Finnix 126, a new version of the project’s small Debian-based live Linux distribution designed for system administrators: “Today marks the release of Finnix 126, the original utility live Linux distribution. Finnix 126 includes a number of fixes, new packages and new….