
I’ve switched up my note-taking app a few times over the years Source: Read More 

Just to put the question at top:

How can I ‘break’ into the Software Test Lead or Software Test
Automation world from being a tester?

Is there any suggestions for what to study to advance within the Software Test world?

I am looking for a position in Northwest Florida (Essentially, an IT void). I am currently in QA but I need to move. I am looking for a position there and having very little luck. I was curious as to what others have had luck with and what would make me stand out.

My background in the field is limited but I have done amazing work at my company. My skill set is closer to a developer but I have a strong passion for testing. I have developed several testing applications for my current company. I am finding jobs for Software Test Lead and Software Automation but, while I feel I am qualified, my resume isn’t up to par and I know very little for these positions.

So, what can I learn, where can I study and what should I know when applying for a test lead or test automation position?

Is there any certifications or communities that could be of assistance with developing and furthering my career and skill set?

I want to open an xml webpage and after opening the webpage,
I want to save the xml content displayed in the webpage as file1.xml file.

What I tried:

from selenium import webdriver
import os
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

chromedriver = “/home/dipankar/Desktop/chromedriver”
os.environ[“”] = chromedriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver)

#driver = webdriver.Firefox()


saveas = ActionChains(driver).key_down(Keys.CONTROL).send_keys(‘S’).key_up(Keys.CONTROL)

I tried the following code, but it downloads the html tags also. I want to download only the content displayed in the web page. Not the page source.

content = driver.page_source
print content

Here I attached screen shot of the sample webpage.

When “dragoncoder047” was but a junior developer, without very much experience at all, they were tasked with building error handling…