
i am having a funny issue with my gecko driver. The browser loads however it does not redirect to the URL as stated below.

Dim fireDriver As New FireFoxDriver(New FireFoxOptions() With {.BrowserExecutableLocation = “C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe”})


I am using firefox 57.0.3 (64-bit), geckodriver-v0.19.1-win64 and written in a VB .Net desktop application.

This is the trace from the driver

1514898589674 geckodriver INFO Listening on
1514898590827 mozprofile::profile INFO Using profile path C:UsersGRANTP~1AppDataLocalTemprust_mozprofile.Mt3alKOXTMmE
1514898590829 geckodriver::marionette INFO Starting browser C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe
1514898590847 geckodriver::marionette INFO Connecting to Marionette on localhost:63121
1514898592849 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG connection attempt 0/600
1514898594955 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG connection attempt 1/600
1514898597059 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG connection attempt 2/600
1514898599160 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG connection attempt 3/600
1514898601264 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG connection attempt 4/600
1514898603368 geckodriver::marionette DEBUG connection attempt 5/600

If i need to provide any other details please let me know so i can update the question.

I’m new to Xpath and I wanted to know if there was a way to inspect a specific element, that is repeated multiple times throughout the webpage.
For this instance I want to inspect the specific span Allocation Exhausted (See picture below).
However, that element is repeated multiple times and I would like an Xpath, that focus’s solely on any changes for this specific Allocation Exhausted.
Any help would be appreciated!

This is a helper method we use in many places in our Selenium Java tests. The intent is to click a button and then detect that the browser has navigated away from the page by detecting the staleness of the HTML element:
protected static WebDriverWait wdWait;

public static void clickAndWaitForBrowserToLeavePage(WebElement elementToClick) {

WebElement htmlTag = wdWait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.tagName(“html”)));
// click on the WebElement;
// wait until the <html> tag becomes stale

we also have this generalized version:
public static void clickAndWaitForElementToBecomeStale(WebElement elementToClick, WebElement elementToBecomeStale) {
// click on the WebElement to click;

// wait until the old WebElement becomes stale

The problem is that sometimes this script appears to not detect the staleness of the element it’s waiting to become stale, probably because it’s already stale before wdwait.until starts, and at that point it detects the same element on the next page, and obviously that’s not going to go stale because we don’t do anything on the new page before we finished this check.
Is there a way to avoid this “we’re waiting an element on the next page instead of an element on the page we just navigated away from” race condition while still retaining the “check we’ve actually refreshed the page”?

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