
We use different profiles to test different features of our system. If we open new multiple FF sessions (each with it’s own profile), Selenium Webdriver only uses 1 window handle identifier.

(pseudo code below)

WebDriver driver1 = new FirefoxDriver(Profile1);

WebDriver driver2 = new FirefoxDriver(Profile2);

WebDriver driver3 = new FirefoxDriver(Profile3);

String h1 = driver1.getWindowHandle();

String h2 = driver3.getWindowHandle();

String h3 = driver3.getWindowHandle();

EVERY ONE of the window handles will be identical, even though these were new sessions with unique profiles. (That is, h1 == h2 == h3 )

Am I missing something here? I would have thought that the handles would be unique for each window?


I run a test script where in a pop up window a confirmation needs to be clicked:
css=#mod-fap-search-overview-confirmDialogButton2 > div

Unfortunately, this pop up is not always displayed hence I want Selenium IDE to continue and not wait for it to click it.
What is the trick on doing so ?

The vm hardware configuration is
Processor: Dual Core
Increased the JMETER Heap Space to 8GB but still getting as JAVA HEAP SPACE issue. Also in the Task Manager the while wrunning the script with 3 Vusers for 10minutes for debugging purpose when I looked at Task Manager Memory consumption is upto 80%.

I followed this link to find out the changes I made in Jmeter.bat file for the heap space but not getting heap sapce information.

Getting as