
Now in the application that i have to automate, there’s a jhtml Area element. This is a sample jhtml area:

So the jhtml area has two elements for the text you enter. I have tried entering text using the text area tag. But doesn’t work out. Any ideas?

I’m facing a problem when I try to execute a UFT script using a VBScript file to call it. The code inside the .vbs file is below:

dim uft
Set uft = CreateObject(“QuickTest.Application”)
uft.Visible = False
uft.Open “R:dataHPCJobsSpoolsubmit_2017.06_CAEDevGomputeBenchAppuft_script”
uft.Test.Run Nothing, True, False
Set uft = Nothing
MsgBox “Test done”

Inside the UFT script I have 7 actions. When I double click the .vbs file the first action execute without problems, but when arrives in the second action start my problem: in all my actions (except the first one) has a code to create a .txt file. When the script create the first one (in the second action) it just stop to run all the rest of the second action and jump to third action to create the second .txt file, doing this for the rest of the actions.

I don’t know how this .vbs script are really doing and why it do not following the order of the script, because when I run inside UFT all works perfectly. Can anyone know what is the cause of this problem?

Thanks and regards.

I am trying to test a web portal using Selenium and Python. The problem is, I am unable to get around an error, in other words, I am unable to catch the alert.


Search for a user, if the user is not found, the website throws an error. I have a list that contains valid and invalid users to perform the search upon. When the search is successful, there are a few links I need to click to get to the user. If the user is not found, the links won’t be displayed and an error is displayed instead. The problem is when I search for an invalid user, the code is looking for the links that are displayed when the a valid user is displayed.


from selenium import webdriver
from import WebDriver
from import Select
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import Select
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
from import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.common.alert import Alert
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoAlertPresentException
import time

browser = webdriver.Chrome() # type: WebDriver is Chrome

if option == ‘number’:
nums = [‘111’, ‘123’, ‘456’]
searchbox = browser.find_element_by_id(“searchPattern”)
noUser = browser.find_element_by_xpath(‘//*[@id=”includeError”]/div’)
for num in nums:
user_links = [‘photos’, ‘message’, ‘mails’]
for url in user_links:
if url in user_links:
elif url not in user_links:
print “No users found”
except noUser:
print “no users”

I want to add Jmeter tests as build steps in TeamCity server. If tests fail, a build will not complete. Please share how to do it.

I am currently using Jmeter for testing a Rest API running different scenarios/threads on a standalone machine. My intention is to put these tests in our existing CI/CD that has TeamCity. When we deploy a new release, Jmeter tests will run as automation tests and if any test fails, then the build will roll back and generate failure reports.

So we send out clients our test cases to help them with their UAT process and ensure they are testing our integrations properly.
Is there a TCMS on the market that actually exports test cases with the attached screenshots? Everything I see is a CSV file.

enter image description here

hi all
thanks for reading my question.
I tried to automate some of my work.
I tried to get the path of Add button using xpath finder
I found three links below. I tried to click on the add button but its not working.
The curser is in the first name box.
Below my code is there.
Please help me to click the Add button.
#driver.find_element(By.XPATH,”//div[@class=’content col-center’]/..//input[@name=’Add’]]”).click()
driver.find_element(By.XPATH,”//body/div[@id=’contWrapper’]/div[@id=’ContContent’]/div[@id=’pageContent’]/form[@id=’viewAllSales’]/div[@class=’container’]/div[@class=’content col-center’]/div[5]/..//input[@name=’Add’]”).click()

Game testing, including black box testing and unit testing, is a key part of the game development process. It helps to make sure that a video game is fun, works well, and offers a great user experience in that particular game. This testing covers many things such as the main features, graphics, performance, and safety.
The post Exploring the Different Stages of Game Testing appeared first on Codoid.

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