Libraries & Frameworks

I created a sample Selenium Webdriver test using java and maven and pushed it out to my gitlab repository. Then I created a new pipeline to run the automated tests. This is my first time running a test on the pipeline so I followed some instructions online. The issue I’m having is that the test fails because of this error: (unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn’t exist)
I saw some few questions regarding this too and tried to add those solutions but still getting that error. Used this link where I added those arguments.
WebDriverException: unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn’t exist while trying to initiate Chrome Browser
Not sure what I need to do to fix this error or how to run the test as a non-root user which can maybe be a workaround.
This is my yml file for the pipeline
# calling the docker image where chrome, maven, jdk are available to run the tests
image: markhobson/maven-chrome:jdk-11

# building the maven
stage: build
– mvn compile

# running the tests
stage: test
– mvn clean test

BaseTest class
public void beforeSuite() {
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
String runTime = null;

try {
InputStream input = BaseTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(“”);
Properties properties = new Properties();
runTime = properties.getProperty(“runTimeOnLocal”);
} catch (IOException e) {

// if it’s true, that means running locally on my machine and open the webrowser
// if it’s false, that means it’s running on gitlab headless
if(runTime.equalsIgnoreCase(“TRUE”)) {
else if(runTime.equalsIgnoreCase(“FALSE”)) {

driver.set(new ChromeDriver(options));“Opening web application”);

I also put the link to my repo as this is a sample for me to review selenium (need to switch to master branch)

As healthcare evolves, digital transformation becomes crucial for enhancing patient care and operational efficiency. This blog highlights the top 10 digital transformations in healthcare trends for 2024, including artificial intelligence, mobile health technologies, big data, extended reality, and wearable medical devices. Discover how these innovations make healthcare more accessible and efficient and tailored to meet modern healthcare demands while ensuring data security and system integration.
The post Top 10 Digital Transformation in Healthcare Trends for 2024 first appeared on TestingXperts.

Cloud migration consulting is crucial for businesses looking to enhance operational efficiency, security, and scalability in the digital realm. The blog discusses how a cloud migration consultant is key in planning and executing a smooth transition to cloud platforms, utilizing deep expertise to optimize infrastructure and operations. From risk management to cost-effectiveness, consultants ensure a seamless integration of cloud technology, aligning it with long-term business goals. Their support mitigates risks, reduces costs, and minimizes downtime, paving the way for a successful digital transformation.
The post Why is Cloud Migration Consulting Important for Businesses? first appeared on TestingXperts.

I’m automating my Windows application.

I’m using Winapp driver and Java language for automation. I am capturing the web elements using UI Spy Tool.

My application is loading, still I can’t automate the login page.
I’m getting the following error:

My Code:

public class Reporter

private static WindowsDriver<WindowsElement> driver;

public static void main(String args[])
throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
String homePath = System.getenv(“USERPROFILE”);
capabilities.setCapability(“app”, homePath + “\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\HHCZT7OJ.D37\61K3K288.OXH\base..tion_6e5be371fe594b2d_0001.0000_aad96dff3b16369b\”);
WindowsDriver Session = new WindowsDriver(new URL(“”), capabilities);

Session.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

DesiredCapabilities Appcapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
Appcapabilities.setCapability(“app”, “Root”);
WindowsDriver AppSession = new WindowsDriver(new URL(“”), Appcapabilities);

WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(AppSession, 30);




Jul 16, 2018 10:19:47 AM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake
createSession INFO: Detected dialect: OSS Jul 16, 2018 10:19:47 AM
org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession INFO:
Detected dialect: OSS Exception in thread “main”
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: An element could not be
located on the page using the given search parameters. (WARNING: The
server did not provide any stacktrace information) Command duration or
timeout: 0 milliseconds For documentation on this error, please visit: Build info:
version: ‘3.5.3’, revision: ‘a88d25fe6b’, time:
‘2017-08-29T12:42:44.417Z’ System info: host: ‘ANTONYW10’, ip:
‘’, ‘Windows 10’, os.arch: ‘amd64’, os.version:
‘10.0’, java.version: ‘10.0.1’ Driver info: Capabilities [{app=Root,
javascriptEnabled=true, platformName=XP, platform=XP}] Session ID:
*** Element info: {Using=accessibility id, value=txtUserName}

Now it’s working for me that I put thread.sleep 20000

I want to compare 2 JDBC responses:

I have Source reponse from 1 JDBC request as below in table format:

(Source DB)JDBC Response response1:

(Target DB)JDBC Reponse 2:

I am saving the response as String in JDBC Request (in Result Variable Name)

Now how do I compare the values in each column and Print Pass when values match. Fail it when the values do not match.

Number of rows can change.

Need help with assertion code or any other way this can be achieved in Jmeter.

I have Integrated JIRA from testlink using REST API. I was also able to link the failed testcase to a bug in JIRA.

But while trying to create issue in testlink there is a validation happening for Version field.

Below are the fields required for creating issue in testlink.


Version has to autopopulate with data. But not sure what data needs to be populated. Whenever I type in any data, it shows no match found and field becomes empty. Thereby, the form is not allowed to submit. Could you please let me know what data is needed for Version field.


I’m trying to select a checkbox on the following public web-page using Selenium XPath from Python and click it to change the checked status.
For example, the checkbox that I would like to click is located under “Fluxes/Magnitudes” and is named “U” shown in the picture below.
Upon inspection of this page I built the following XPath to select the checkbox:
//*[@type =’checkbox’ and @name=’U’]

This returns what I believe to be the correct element, however when I try to run click() on the object it fails with the exception ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘click’
When I look at the functions for this object in a debugger it indeed does not have a click function.
How can this be true for a checkbox?
Is there a different element that has to be selected?

Open Source Vue.js and Nuxt app that records the history of Frontend Continue reading on Vue.js Feed » Source: Read…

I’m automating an app and using winappdriver tool with java language for the same. I am selecting a row and clicking on that row in GUI. Here I am trying to delete a row. So I have a sequence number and with that sequence number I need to delete the row.
This is the snap of UI Spy :

Here sequence number value is 5, but I want to click the row 3.
//here loopng through each row by row..
String seqNoData=alEvents.get(i).sequenceNumber; //data (sequcenceNumber) from db
List<WebElement> pbp_insert = mainEntrySession.findElementByName(“DataGridView”).findElements(By.tagName(“./*[contains(@LocalizedControlType, ‘table’)]”));
List<WebElement> pbp_insert_grid_cells = pbp_insert.get(0).findElements(By.tagName(“./*[contains(@LocalizedControlType, ‘item’)]”));

// pbp_insert_grid_cells–contains all cellvalues
for(int cellIndex = 14;cellIndex < pbp_insert_grid_cells.size();cellIndex=cellIndex+17) //14 th column is sequence number

rowSequenceNo = pbp_insert_grid_cells.get(cellIndex).getText(); //read sequence number from gui


//sequence number 5==5 matching, how to get the sequence number row 3 and row 3 parent
//here how to fetch parent from child to click on that row..

I’ve been writing a couple of tests using selenium for my website. However, I’ve not found a way to test multiselect dropdown with checkboxes that is filled by V-autocomplete(vuetifyjs) component . As an example, I want to select one of the locations that is displayed in an V-auto-complete list dropdown.
driver.find_elements_by_xpath(//*[contains(@class, ‘v-autocomplete’)])

Supply chain automation leverages AI, RPA, and ML to enhance inventory management, order processing, and payment management, ensuring seamless workflows and better decision-making. This approach helps businesses address dynamic market demands, improve operational efficiency, and reduce dependency on manual labor. The blog discusses why the transition to automated systems can support better risk management and compliance adherence, with a significant focus on data-driven insights and predictive analytics to optimize supply chain operations.
The post Why Supply Chain Automation is Necessary for Business Growth? first appeared on TestingXperts.

The retail industry is witnessing a transformative leap with AI integration, which is expected to generate significant profits. The blog discusses how AI enhances customer experience, optimizes inventory, and improves service through chatbots and personalized recommendations. With 87% of retailers adopting AI in some form, it is crucial for inventory management, dynamic pricing, and customer engagement despite facing integration challenges.
The post AI Integration in Retail: Top 5 Use Cases for 2024 first appeared on TestingXperts.