This blog explains why compliance testing is important in eLearning. It shows how compliance testing makes sure your eLearning courses follow industry standards. This testing is essential for a good learning experience for all learners. We will cover the testing process, key tools, and best practices. These points will help you understand more about compliance
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Libraries & Frameworks
As Vue.js applications scale up, component interaction management and dynamic styling can become progressively more difficult. The new defineExpose feature…
In today’s world of finance, mobile applications for test trading software are essential tools for users who need quick access to real-time data and market analysis within a reliable Electronic trading platform, including algorithmic trading capabilities, alongside vast amounts of data for portfolio management tools. As more investors, traders, and researchers rely on these apps
The post Comprehensive Strategies to Test Trading Software appeared first on Codoid.
Laracon AU has begun and with it comes exciting news from Taylor and the rest of the Laravel team. Announcing…
The blog discusses the critical role of quality assurance (QA) in migrating to the ISO 20022 standard, which is essential for modernizing global financial messaging. With enhanced data quality, interoperability, and compliance, ISO 20022 improves cross-border payment processing. Tx offers customized QA solutions, including functional testing, data validation, risk assessment, and security audits, to ensure a seamless, compliant transition for financial institutions.
The post Role of QA in the Ramification of ISO 20022 Transformation first appeared on TestingXperts.
A majority of our users are on mobile safari, but we run our automation in pipelines using a linux kernal. Is there a way a good option for running our tests in webkit-based browser to ensure it renders correctly on Safari (or as best we can)? I’ve seen webkitgtk, and I did find some driver documentation on it, but I don’t know anything about it AT ALL, other than it exists. Thanks!
AI coding assistants like Cursor AI and GitHub Copilot are changing the way we create software. These powerful tools help developers write better code by providing advanced code completion and intelligent suggestions. In this comparison, we’ll take a closer look at what each tool offers, along with their strengths and weaknesses. By understanding the differences
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Lazy JSON Pages is a framework-agnostic API scraper that loads items from any paginated JSON API into a Laravel lazy…
What is the best test approach for blackbox/functional testing when there is very less time to test and feature has to go live in production next day.
without leaving out important test scenarios or making mistakes in testing?
i have written this code in which i am able to get the Shadow element. package org.example; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(“Hello and welcome!”); System.setProperty(“”, “chromedriver.exe”); WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver(); driver.get(“”); JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; WebElement agreeBtn= (WebElement) jse.executeScript(“return document.querySelector(‘cmm-cookie-banner’).shadowRoot.querySelector(‘div’).querySelector(‘div’).querySelector(‘cmm-buttons-wrapper’).querySelector(‘wb7-button:nth-of-type(2) ‘).shadowRoot.querySelector(‘button.button’)”); ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(“arguments[0].click();”, agreeBtn); } } the below is the output when i run this program:Nov 05, 2024 10:03:15 PM org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpVersionFinder findNearestMatch WARNING: Unable to find an exact match for CDP version 130, returning the closest version; found: 129; Please update to a Selenium version that supports CDP version 130 Exception in thread “main” org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptException: javascript error: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘shadowRoot’) (Session info: chrome=130.0.6723.92) Build info: version: ‘4.25.0’, revision: ‘030fcf7918’ System info: ‘Windows 11’, os.arch: ‘amd64’, os.version: ‘10.0’, java.version: ‘17.0.8’ Driver info: Command: [647d6b65e33549f28a4ea4e137e0a4f5, executeScript {script=return document.querySelector(‘cmm-cookie-banner’).shadowRoot.querySelector(‘div’).querySelector(‘div’).querySelector(‘cmm-buttons-wrapper’).querySelector(‘wb7-button:nth-of-type(2) ‘).shadowRoot.querySelector(‘button.button’), args=[]}] Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: false, browserName: chrome, browserVersion: 130.0.6723.92, chrome: {chromedriverVersion: 129.0.6668.9 (ab04602ab643c…, userDataDir: C:UsersusAppDataLocalT…}, fedcm:accounts: true, goog:chromeOptions: {debuggerAddress: localhost:54013}, networkConnectionEnabled: false, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platformName: windows, proxy: Proxy(), se:cdp: ws://localhost:54013/devtoo…, se:cdpVersion: 130.0.6723.92, setWindowRect: true, strictFileInteractability: false, timeouts: {implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000}, unhandledPromptBehavior: dismiss and notify, webauthn:extension:credBlob: true, webauthn:extension:largeBlob: true, webauthn:extension:minPinLength: true, webauthn:extension:prf: true, webauthn:virtualAuthenticators: true} Session ID: 647d6b65e33549f28a4ea4e137e0a4f5 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorCodec.decode( at org.openqa.selenium.remote.codec.w3c.W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode( at org.openqa.selenium.remote.codec.w3c.W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode( at org.openqa.selenium.remote.HttpCommandExecutor.execute( at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverCommandExecutor.invokeExecute( at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverCommandExecutor.execute( at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.execute( at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.executeScript( at org.example.Main.main(
Process finished with exit code 1 Also, when i check for the dom element into browser, i am able to locate.: PFA the image as well. Can you please advise how can i resolve this? I am really in need to solve this. I will be obliged of your help. Thanks
In today’s gaming world, giving players a great experience is very important. Game testing is a key part of making sure video games are high quality and work well. It helps find and fix bugs, glitches, and performance issues. The goal is to ensure players have a fun and smooth time. This article looks at
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If you have ever had a need to implement search into your application you’ve probably heard of Apache Solr. Solr…
The blog discusses how cloud-managed services offer a strategic solution for businesses aiming to streamline IT processes, enhance security, and reduce costs. These services, managed by third-party providers, provide cost savings, cybersecurity, disaster recovery, and scalability. Essential best practices, including phased cloud migration and efficient cost management, help maximize the benefits.
The post Why Businesses Should Shift to Cloud Managed Services  first appeared on TestingXperts.
In today’s quick software development world, it is important to keep apps high quality. A key part of this is software testing. Tosca automation is a strong tool that helps with this task. This blog, titled “Tosca Automation Tutorial: Model-Based Approach,†will cover the main points about Tosca. We will look into its new model-based
The post Tosca Automation Tutorial: Model-Based Approach appeared first on Codoid.
I have below code and it will dynamically inject optionName to a xpath.
And try to click on it.
getSortOptionByName(optionName: string) {
return $(`//android.widget.Button[@content-desc=”${optionName}”]`);
Below is the full code.
public async selectingEachSortOption(): Promise<void>
const sortOptions = await this.getAllTheAvailableSortOptions();
for(const sortItem of sortOptions){
await (await this.getSortOptionByName(sortItem)).waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 });
await (await this.getSortOptionByName(sortItem)).waitForEnabled({ timeout: 5000 });
await (await this.getSortOptionByName(sortItem)).click();
When I use this code in my test, It will iterate through the 1st loop.(I have 4 loops)
But at the 2nd loop, it will end with no errors and the test will mark as pass.
What are the possible mistakes I’m doing here?
Pagination is a common feature in web applications. Almost every Laravel application I’ve ever worked on has had some form…
Laravel Reverb is a real-time WebSocket framework that broadcasts events from Laravel to the frontend. It allows for real-time data…
Data breaches can cost organizations millions in direct damages, lost business and legal fees. But beyond those immediate costs, breaches damage trust, leading to long-term revenue losses. An effective SaaS application security testing mitigates these risks, increasing the bottom line. Read to know more!
The post From Compliance to Competitive Advantage: How SaaS Application Security Testing Boosts Market Position first appeared on TestingXperts.
Add Microsoft Teams’ exclusive animated emojis to your React projects. Lightweight library with hover animations and extensive emoji collection. The…
A package to handle process approval flow in a laravel application. Source: Read MoreÂ