Ever since Laravel Herd Pro was launched with the ability to manage database and cache services like MySQL, Postgres, and…
Caleb Porzio, creator of Alpine.js, just released a resize plugin that allows you to react easily when an element changes.…
With the release of Laravel 11, the application skeleton was slimmed down to remove extra files that aren’t required on…
VS Code – as many code editors do – includes a feature called “snippets”. The feature allows you to configure…
Model events are a really handy feature in Laravel that can help you to automatically run logic when certain actions…
The start of a SaaS application can be challenging, but some Laravel tools/packages help you with that. In this article,…
The MySQL Visual Explain tool by Tobias Petry helps users analyze slow queries by providing an easy-to-understand visual representation of…
Today I’m excited to share a new resource I’ve built for the Laravel community: BuiltWithLaravel.com, a list of companies and…
Filepond is a JavaScript package that allows you to upload anything, with popular integrations for React, Vue, Svelte, and more.…
Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks, known for its elegant syntax and powerful features. According to the…
The annual State of Laravel survey is open for 2024, and you can participate to help identify trends in how…
Welcome to the first episode of a new “Creator Spotlight” video series where we interview Laravel developers about the things…
The Commenter package for Laravel “is a feature-rich modern package that addresses all your commenting needs in a Laravel application.”…
Laravel is huge in popularity, but are there any real BIG companies using it? Or any really LARGE projects? In…
When building your Laravel applications, you’ll likely have to write queries that have constraints which are used in multiple places…
Last week, I needed to redirect all requests that contained uppercase letters to their lowercase equivalents for SEO optimization. For…
A Laravel package to filter, search and sort models with ease while fetching from database. Source: Read MoreÂ
The Laravel team released v11.15 this week, which includes improvements to the make:mail command, support for setting mime types on…
The first release of PHP 8.4 is now available and ready for testing! PHP 8.4 is scheduled to be officially…
Filament Hexa Lite is an effortless role and permission plugin for Filament. The plugin provides an admin-only UI to manage…