A Laravel package to run multiple commands at once, to aid in local development. Source: Read MoreÂ
Laravel Console Spinner is a spinner output for Laravel command line. Source: Read MoreÂ
The Laravel Process Approval package adds a structured and efficient approval process to your Laravel applications. Automate requesting and receiving…
I recently posted about Get Xdebug Working With Docker and PHP 8.4 to show you how easy it is to…
String manipulation in Laravel often involves replacing multiple placeholders with dynamic values. Laravel provides a powerful solution through the Str::replaceArray()…
HydePHP is a static site generator that helps you make websites, blogs, and documentation pages with tools you already know…
Are you looking for your next Laravel adventure? Here is who is hiring, and many of these jobs allow remote…
Laravel Debugbar is one of the most popular Laravel packages. It’s mostly used for checking the SQL queries, but there…
When working with external services like AWS SES for email delivery, preventing API flooding is crucial. Laravel provides an elegant…
If you’ve been working with enums and Laravel’s Route::can() method, you’re probably familiar with appending ->value in your permission checks.…
PHP comes with quite a number of core extensions already included, and some additional extensions can be installed through an…
Prevent users from reusing recently used passwords Source: Read MoreÂ
Indicator for the current environment inside Filament Source: Read MoreÂ
When working with substantial datasets in Laravel applications, sending all data at once can create performance bottlenecks and memory issues.…
This week, the Laravel team released v11.34, with a Request::fluent() method, a Number spellOrdinal() helper, conditional route definitions, shorthand fakes…
When building web applications, dealing with optional inputs and providing default values is a common task. Laravel simplifies this common…
Warden is a Laravel package that performs security audits on your Composer dependencies and provides automated notifications for vulnerabilities. With…
A media picker plugin for FilamentPHP. Source: Read MoreÂ
SaaSykit is a feature-rich Laravel-based SaaS starter kit designed to accelerate the development of SaaS applications. It provides developers with…
It’s that time of year again. You can save massive amounts of money on everything from training courses to complete…