The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS. Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with the steps necessary to build your own custom Linux system from source code. The latest version of the project’s handbook, version 12.3, introduces a handful of package updates and new security patches. “The LFS release includes updates….

Today, we look at a simple bit of bad code. The badness is not that they’re using Oracle, though that’s…

The end of the quarter was approaching, and dark clouds were gathering in the C-suite. While they were trying to…

The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS. Neal P. Murphy has announced the release of Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6, an updated build of the project’s specialist Linux distribution for firewalls and routers with a custom web-based configuration interface: “The Smoothwall Express Team announce the release of Update 12. We updated a few packages. Kernel and….

A much-needed disclaimer: You (kinda) can use functions now! I know, it isn’t the most pleasant feeling to finish reading…

There are things which are true. Regular expressions frequently perform badly. They’re hard to read. Email addresses are not actually…

The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS. This week in DistroWatch Weekly:
Review: Orbitiny 0.01
News: Gentoo offers ready-to-go disk images, elementary OS invites feature suggestions, FreeBSD starts porting efforts to the PinePhone Pro, Mint warns about upcoming Firefox issue
Questions and answers: Effect of Ubuntu Core Desktop?
Released last week: Armbian 25.2.1, Murena 2.8, GhostBSD 25.01
Torrent corner:….

The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS. The GhostBSD project maintains a desktop-focused build of FreeBSD. In the past, GhostBSD was based on FreeBSD’s development (STABLE) branch, but the latest version, GhostBSD 25.01, is built on FreeBSD’s RELEASE branch. “What’s new in 25.01-R14.2p1: MATE Desktop at 1.28.2: Upgraded to 1.28.2, with mate-panel (1.28.4), mate-notification-daemon (1.28.3),….