I’m automating an app and using winappdriver tool with java language for the same. I am selecting a row and clicking on that row in GUI. Here I am trying to delete a row. So I have a sequence number and with that sequence number I need to delete the row.
This is the snap of UI Spy :

Here sequence number value is 5, but I want to click the row 3.
//here loopng through each row by row..
String seqNoData=alEvents.get(i).sequenceNumber; //data (sequcenceNumber) from db
List<WebElement> pbp_insert = mainEntrySession.findElementByName(“DataGridView”).findElements(By.tagName(“./*[contains(@LocalizedControlType, ‘table’)]”));
List<WebElement> pbp_insert_grid_cells = pbp_insert.get(0).findElements(By.tagName(“./*[contains(@LocalizedControlType, ‘item’)]”));

// pbp_insert_grid_cells–contains all cellvalues
for(int cellIndex = 14;cellIndex < pbp_insert_grid_cells.size();cellIndex=cellIndex+17) //14 th column is sequence number

rowSequenceNo = pbp_insert_grid_cells.get(cellIndex).getText(); //read sequence number from gui


//sequence number 5==5 matching, how to get the sequence number row 3 and row 3 parent
//here how to fetch parent from child to click on that row..

I’ve been writing a couple of tests using selenium for my website. However, I’ve not found a way to test multiselect dropdown with checkboxes that is filled by V-autocomplete(vuetifyjs) component . As an example, I want to select one of the locations that is displayed in an V-auto-complete list dropdown.
driver.find_elements_by_xpath(//*[contains(@class, ‘v-autocomplete’)])

Supply chain automation leverages AI, RPA, and ML to enhance inventory management, order processing, and payment management, ensuring seamless workflows and better decision-making. This approach helps businesses address dynamic market demands, improve operational efficiency, and reduce dependency on manual labor. The blog discusses why the transition to automated systems can support better risk management and compliance adherence, with a significant focus on data-driven insights and predictive analytics to optimize supply chain operations.
The post Why Supply Chain Automation is Necessary for Business Growth? first appeared on TestingXperts.