I have a result file of Concurrency Thread Group test of 500 users.
The file has aproximetly 58K rows and 16Mb

1) I tried generating a report through “Tool > Generate html report” but get time-out exception, I have increased the timer to 480000 but the result was the same.

2) I tried generate report through cmd -> it was running for a few hours and again no result, no report, all logs files have no exceptions.

Is there limitation of a report’s rows?
please help!

So I am trying to write a test in which the first step is logging in, but it is denying me access as it detected automation tools because the javascript has not been enabled and there is no profile. So I am trying to load my default profile. The problem I’m getting is that the browser does open, but it quickly fails as I get a SessionNotCreatedException. The failure occurs in the service hooks:
public void setup() {

“E:\interview_notcodegod\src\drivers\chromedriver.exe” );

ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();


options.addArguments(“–user-data-dir=C:/Users/[username]/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data”);

driver = new ChromeDriver(options); // intellij points here (nullpointerexception)

Is there a line of code that i’m missing? I’ve updated my chromedriver already because I thought that was the issue (chrome Version 99.0.4844.74 (Official Build) (64-bit), chromedriver:99.0.4844.51)

In today’s era, learning ChatGPT is essential for mastering the capabilities of large language models in various fields. With its…

I’m trying to code using UFT to handle privacy error pages. When i tried to scan this page using UFT, unable to recognise inner links and button. Its showing chrome legacy window.
So i thought of going with vb code. Can anyone help me in coding here which works in uft?