I have a serial E2E test suite that’s growing and getting slower.
To solve this issue, I have to run the tests in parallel. But creating a user and all the required configurations is very complicated in this project.
Having one user per test is also not ideal, as some pieces of the configuration cost money.
So I was thinking of using something similar to Jenkins Lockable Resources or, where each user is a resource that can be “locked” per test and “unlocked” at the end.
Is there a simple API for achieving this? (Or another solution)

I am using Selenium Webdriver on Node.js with Cucumber.js.
I want to run the same test on multiple pages. In this case just checking for 404s in my footer.
My Cucumber .feature file looks like:
Feature: Check footer links

Scenario: Check for broken links in the footer section
Given I am checking the footer on the ‘<page>’ page
Then there should be no broken links in the footer on ‘<page>’ page

| page |
| about-us |
| contact-us |
| products |

And in my steps.js file I have:
const { When, Then, Given, AfterAll } = require(‘@cucumber/cucumber’);
const assert = require(‘assert’);
const { Builder, By, until, Key, http } = require(‘selenium-webdriver’);
const firefox = require(‘selenium-webdriver/firefox’);
const XMLHttpRequest = require(‘xhr2’);
var {setDefaultTimeout} = require(‘@cucumber/cucumber’);
setDefaultTimeout(60 * 1000);

Given(‘I am checking the footers on the {string} page’, async function (string) {
this.driver = new Builder()


await this.driver.get(‘https://www.some-site.com/’ + string);

Then(‘there should be no broken links in the footer on {string} page’, async function(string) {
var urlArr = [];
var footerLinks = await this.driver.findElements(By.css(‘.footer a’));
for (let i = 0; i < footerLinks.length; i++) {
var url = await footerLinks[i].getAttribute(“href”);

if (urlArr.length < 1) {
console.log(`Could not find any footer links on ${string} page`);
else {
for (let i = 0; i < urlArr.length; i++) {
var respStatus = await checkLink(urlArr[i]);

function checkLink(url) {
//Check link function returns status code….

This works fine, but for one thing: For each page that is tested a new instance of FireFox opens up.
I tried adding
After(async function() {

To the end but this closes the session completely and the other tests fail after the first initial one is done.
Would anyone know how I could repeat the tests in the same browser instance?

we are using streaming platform and we need to test token expiration connected of social media accounts, can some body help me in this? like any tool or method will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.