In the past while at work, we’ve had to do updates to some major libraries/tools we use in building a web app. For example, we recently upgraded Angular versions and are currently updating our Django version (from 1.10 to 1.11). These updates often have subtle changes that can break existing functionality in unexpected ways.

Is there a good approach or set of approaches to test upgrades like this?

We have roughly 30 Cucumber tests and a few actors that run these tests that have been created based on our service’s personas.

Exemplifying this:

We have a C2C ecommerce platform and an user. Users can either buy or sell. There’s the concept of companies and each user may have more or less rights to do specific actions.
On top of that they may be more or less able to integrate with third party sales/analytics/… systems.

Let’s now say that you have some tests focussing on the publishing and selling of products and then some other tests focussing on the integration with a third party service.

A single user can hold both the right to sell and see reports from analytics service but not necessarily (i.e. a user could be specialised in reporting and another one in selling depending on org structure), but what’s the best practice: to have a single user having both rights or two separate users? And why?

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