I am using the WebDriverWait.Until() method in my script to wait for an element to disappear from the UI.
For this, there is the ExpectedConditions class and I could have used its InvisibilityOfElementLocated method, but it is now deprecated.
In my implementation of the WebDriverWait.Until() method, I am passing a Func delegate which has the wait logic defined inside it.
What I observe is that the exceptions, like NoSuchElementException is ignored(which I assume is due to the default whitelisted exceptions).
But I have not used the IgnoreExceptionTypes method to explicitly whitelist any exception.
I want the flow to break out of the Until method’s check(which kind of keeps looping until one of the below mentioned event occurs) once an exception like NoSuchElementException is encountered.

Kindly suggest.

Can you help me with some ideas on how to deal more efficent with test data used as precondition for automated api tests? I can’t use api calls for creating the data, so I would have to use sql scripts. However, as every test requires quite different test data(data to be inserted in 4,5 tables; more in some cases) I don’t know how to proceed to be efficient. I will try to group somehow tests that might use same data and only run the scripts once before that group of tests and delete them after(with @before class perhaps. What are your approaches when you can t use api calls and you have to deal with large data sets? Btw, I’m using java, rest assured, junit

The software testing community frequently discusses the merits of Puppeteer vs Selenium. When it comes to web browser automation, two popular tools often come up: Puppeteer and Selenium. Both are designed to help developers and testers automate their tasks, making their work faster and more efficient. But which one is the best for your needs?…
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