I have some scripts which are running on Firefox browser. Here, the problem was, I am using driver.manage().window().maximize(); code to maximize the browser. It is working perfectly fine with Windows 7 environment but, coming to Windows 10 environment, after opening browser, window is set to some small size. Not sure why it is happening!
Please help me on this
NOTE: I am using latest firefox driver(gecko) and latest version of firefox browser.(In both Windows 7 and windows 10)

The test case is to check if the tooltip message shows.
My html code is as:
<td id=”pendingBalance” align=”right”>
<a onmouseover=”displayHelpPopup(this,arrHelp[20][0]);” onmouseout=”closePopup();” href=”#”>
<span class=”BoldFont”>$0.00</span>

When user moves mouse to $0.00 then tooltip shows some text.
Please help me with the solution to check that the tooltip is displaying with the correct message.

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