I’m using LDTP to write a GUI test case script in python. I’m running the script in a virtual machine by nosetests.

And I get a block with the error of unable to find window X, while window X is absolutely displayed on the monitor. This error always occurs after LDTP actions.


After I open my subscription manager in the virtual machine (rhel6.8), I could find the subscription manager by calling getwindowlist():

>>> getwindowlist()
[‘frmTopExpandedEdgePanel’, ‘frmBottomExpandedEdgePanel’, ‘frmroot@localhost:~’,
‘frmx-nautilus-desktop’, ‘frmSubscriptionManager’]

Then I use getobjectlist() to do some action:

>>> getobjectlist(‘frmSubscriptionManager’)
[‘flr8’, ‘flr4’, ‘mnuAbout’, ‘flr6’, ‘flr7’, ‘flr0’, ‘flr1’, ‘flr2’,
‘flr3’, ‘ukn2’, ‘ukn3’, ‘ukn0’, ‘ukn1’, ‘scpn1’, ‘scpn0’, ‘scpn3’, ‘scpn2’,
‘lblStatus1’, ‘lblContract’, ‘ptl0’, ‘flr5’, ‘txtStartEndDateText’,
‘tblBundledProductsTable’, ‘scbr0’, ‘mnuRedeemSubscription’,
‘tchEndDate’, ‘lblStatus’, ‘mnuSystem’, ‘mnuRegister’, ‘tchStartDate’,
‘lblSKU’, ‘txtSKUText’, ‘txtProvidingSubscriptionsText’, ‘tchQuantity’,
‘txtSupportTypeText’, ‘ttblMySubscriptionsView’, ‘mnuEmpty’,
‘txtArchText’, ‘mnuConfigureProxy’, ‘txtSupportLevelAndTypeText’,
‘mnuHelp’, ‘mnuOnlineDocumentation’, ‘lblStart-EndDate’, ‘mbr0’,

The window disappeared, even though it was still displayed on my virtual machine’s monitor.

>>> getwindowlist()
[‘frmTopExpandedEdgePanel’, ‘frmBottomExpandedEdgePanel’, ‘frmroot@localhost:~’, ‘frmx-nautilus-desktop’]

Why does this error occur, and how should I deal with this situation in an automated test?

I am looking for a solution for the below problem statement:

Authentication is done through ADFS.
I recorded a script via jmeter/blazemeter/badboy, but observed that RequestSecurityTokenResponse is never returned in response for any request.
Observed that the RequestSecurityTokenResponse is directly sent over a URL via reply by ADFS.

Due to above situation I am not able to extract the RequestSecurityTokenResponse and hence I’m not able to parameterize it.

In my script below code when Thread.sleep() is not used, then it throws an exception “element click intercepted: Element <button _ngcontent-yyo-c131=”” class=”btn btn-sm btn-light border ml-3″>…</button> is not clickable at point (226, 567).
When using the Thread.sleep() it runs and clicks on the Next button, but the problem is that in my application total 9 times next button should be clicked.
For that I printed message on the log so here only 6 times message gets printed (‘btn50-400clicked’) and then next button is disabled and unable to proceed to next code.
Even after waiting for up to 30 minutes it’s not working.
How do I resolve it?
var next=WDS.browser.findElement(pkg.By.xpath(“//button[contains(@class,’btn btn-sm btn-light border ml-3′)]”))

//var wait15=new org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait(WDS.browser, 20000)
//wait15.until(org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(pkg.By.xpath(“//button[contains(@class,’btn btn-sm btn-light border ml-3′)]”)))
var wait9 =new org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait(WDS.browser, 9000)
wait9.until(org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(pkg.By.xpath(“//button[contains(@class,’btn btn-sm btn-light border ml-3′)]”))).click()

WDS.log.info(‘Next button disabled’)}