I am working on PhantomJS with Java for one of my project. I am looking for some help in working with PhantomJS in following scenario.
Step-1: Mouse hover on tab/link then 2 sub-links will display
Step-2: Click on 2nd sub-link (This element is not visible if width is less than 992)
Here in Step-2, I am failing due to page is not displaying the element. I have tried following ways to resolve:

Added wait statement before clicking (Explicit wait -> wait until element clickable)

Note: Script getting failed in this step due to element is not clickable.

Set the custom window size (1920 X 1080)

Note: Here my query is when I used driver.window.maximize(), I am getting window size as “1366 X 768”. So I am not sure whether it will work if I set the window size as “1920 X 1080”.

Please share your experiences or idea’s to resolve this issue. Your help/suggestions are very helpful to me

NOTE: I am facing this issue only PhanjomJS browser only in remaining all browsers are working fine

Floods are devastating, causing significant damage globally. Generative AI enhances flood insurance by improving predictive accuracy, risk assessment, and claims processing. It utilizes pre-trained models to evaluate diverse scenarios, offering more accurate risk insights and customer-centric policies. The blog discusses how AI-driven tools enable insurers to model risks efficiently, set fair premiums, and respond to real-time events. Explore how generative AI transforms flood insurance and how Tx can support its integration for superior risk management.
The post Enhancing Flood Insurance Models with Generative AI: A Deep Dive first appeared on TestingXperts.

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