Volaris is an encryption tool designed to prioritize privacy and security. The post Volaris – encryption tool appeared first on…
This article recommends the finest free and open source software that lets you dive into responsive design using CSS. The…
A designer’s journey of creative exploration—100 days, 100 experiments, and the lessons learned along the way. Source: Read MoreÂ
Most of us, when generating a UUID, will reach for a library to do it. Even a UUIDv4, which is…
The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS. This week in DistroWatch Weekly:
Review: iodeOS 6.0
News: Arch retiring old repositories, openSUSE makes progress on reproducible builds, Fedora is getting more serious about open hardware, Tails changes its install instructions to offer better privacy, Murena’s de-Googled tablet goes on sale
Questions and answers: Learning to program and improve….
Magnus is billed as a very simple screen magnifier. It’s designed for Ubuntu but runs on other Linux distributions. The…
ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine) is a plugin providing linting (syntax checking and semantic errors) in NeoVim 0.6.0+ and Vim 8.0+.…
A set of four cool new window opening and closing animations got added to gaudy GNOME Shell extension Burn My…
Warpinator is software which lets you send and receive files across a local network. The post Warpinator – share files…
Harper is an English grammar checker designed to be just right. Harper takes advantage of decades of natural language research.…
Haml is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document without the…
UbuntuDDE is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu with the Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE). The post UbuntuDDE – remix flavor…
Ogni settimana, il mondo del software libero e open source ci propone una serie di aggiornamenti e nuove versioni di…
This roundup explores the finest CLI-based file encryption tools. The post 7 Best Free and Open Source Linux CLI File…
Il noto youtuber PewDiePie ha recentemente condiviso un video in cui mostra la costruzione del suo primo PC da gioco,…
Niri, un compositore Wayland che utilizza un approccio scrollable-tiling, ha rilasciato la nuova versione Niri 25.02 a poco più di…
PeaZip, il versatile strumento per l’archiviazione e compressione dei file open-source disponibile sotto la licenza LGPL (Lesser General Public License),…
yuki-iptv is an IPTV player with many features. yuki-iptv doesn’t provide content or TV channels. The post yuki-iptv – IPTV…
The internet is here today, but it could be gone tomorrow. Here’s what I’m doing to retain and safeguard the…
Windows Phone, Windows 95, and the Halo TV series filled this week’s headlines. We also got the chance to discuss…