Slack has acknowledged the problem and says it’s working on a fix. Some users are having better luck with the…
Smartwatches and smart rings capture an extensive amount of data, and Oura’s latest ring may be just what you need…
Amazon’s Devices and Services event unveiled the next evolution of Alexa, highlighting how its advanced AI will enhance and drive…
Not sure if Amazon’s AI-powered assistant is worth $20 a month? No worries! We show you how to try Alexa+…
Amazon’s AI-powered Alexa+ won’t be available for all Echo devices when the enhanced virtual assistant begins rolling out in the…
As computer vision researchers, we believe that every pixel can tell a story. However, there seems to be a writer’s…
Top News Anthropic launches a new AI model that ‘thinks’ as long as you want Anthropic has launched a new…
The new Outlook comes bundled with the recent versions of monthly security updates. Since it’s the only free mail client…
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This series of blog posts will cover the main areas of activity for your marketing, product, and UX teams before,…
Choosing the right framework for your first cross-platform app can be challenging, especially with so many great options available. To…
Working with Inertia.js is amazing, but managing shared data types between your Laravel backend and JavaScript frontend can quickly become…
IBM has released the next generation models in its Granite family: Granite 3.2 8B Instruct, Granite 3.2 2B Instruct, Granite…
A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in a virtual tour framework has been weaponized by malicious actors to inject malicious scripts…
In episode 406 of the “Smashing Security” podcast, we explore how the cryptocurrency exchange Bybit has been hacked to the…
Capgemini supporta le aziende nel loro percorso di trasformazione digitale e di business facendo leva sul potere della tecnologia. In…
We’re back with a new article in our ongoing “Away From the Keyboard” series, featuring in-depth interviews with people at…
因應消費需求多元化 彈性資費方案成主流 在行動通訊技術持續進化的今日,身為臺灣三大電信公司之一的中華電信,近幾年也加速推動數位轉型,除積極佈建更綿密的基地臺外,也透過彈性網路資費與產品組合,全力爭取更多新用戶加入。 中華電信資訊技術分公司高級技術工程師曹漢清指出:「過去幾年我們持續強化核心能力,並透過結盟、合作積極開發行動商務、網路應用以及寬頻影音多媒體等新穎服務。MongoDB Atlas讓我們能精準掌握消費者需求,並提供更彈性網路資費組合,維持在市場上領先優勢。」 挑戰 關聯式資料庫限制多 難以回應客戶期待 為提供更好服務品質,中華電信以 TM Forum ODA定義產品管理系統與客戶互動服務,然而面臨來自用戶的大量查詢。中華電信團隊深入分析之後,發現既有關聯式資料庫架構存在三大挑戰,分別是存在欄位擴充不易、處理能力有限、欄位長度限制等。 曹漢清表示,「為此,我們決定改用關聯式資料庫搭配NoSQL資料庫的作法,解決前述種種問題之外,也能迎合ESG浪潮、強化數位韌性等趨勢。最終,我們決定選用MongoDB Atlas 服務,期盼為客戶提供更好的使用者體驗。」 解決方案 多雲架構、合規安全 中華電信青睞關鍵 MongoDB Atlas…
IntellectAI, a business unit of Intellect Design Arena, is a trailblazer in AI. Since 2019 the company has been using…
We are excited to share that several new vector quantization capabilities are now available in public preview in MongoDB Atlas…