I’m building a selenium test using a POM, and I have a List of Webelements (companyNames in SelectAccountPage) that keeps throwing a UninitializedPropertyAccessException.
Here’s the Page Object
class SelectAccountPage(driver: WebDriver) {
@FindBy(css = “header h2”)
lateinit var selectAccountTitle: WebElement
@FindBy(css = “div[class*=’company-picker’] h3”)
lateinit var companyNames: List<WebElement>
init {
PageFactory.initElements(driver, this)
fun pickCompany(companyToSelect: String) {
for (company in companyNames) {
if (company.text == companyToSelect) {
and the test
class SignInTest : TestBase() {
lateinit var signInPage: SignInPage
lateinit var forgotPasswordPage: ForgotPasswordPage
lateinit var selectAccountPage: SelectAccountPage
fun initPageObjects() {
signInPage = SignInPage(driver)
forgotPasswordPage = ForgotPasswordPage(driver)
selectAccountPage = SelectAccountPage(driver)
assert = SoftAssert()
@Test(priority = 3)
fun validCredentials() {
signInPage.sendCredentials(Config.getUser(), Config.getPassword())
I’m not sure what’s going on here because the Webelement on the same page is initialized just fine. Is there something specific that needs to be done when initializing Lists?