The Laravel team released v11.21 this week, which includes asset prefetching strategies for Vite, a convenience method to force-destroy models with soft deletes, testing helper updates, and more.
Eager Asset Prefetching Strategies for Vite
Tim MacDonald contributed the ability to prefetch assets generated by Vite eagerly:
This PR adds the ability for applications to eagerly prefetch JavaScript and CSS chunks generated by Vite. The goal is to reduce the network delay / costs when navigating throughout a SPA front-end.
Applications built with Vite will often use “code splitting”. This technique splits the JavaScript (and CSS) into smaller “chunks”. When you load any given page, only the chunks required to render that page are loaded which leads to faster load times for applications. For example, when you land on the homepage you do not pay the cost of also downloading and parsing the admin dashboard JavaScript.
To configure prefetching, you could add one of the following methods to the boot() method of a service provider:
// In a service provider `boot()` method:
Vite::useWaterfallPrefetching(concurrency: 10);
Vite::usePrefetchStrategy(‘waterfall’, [‘concurrency’ => 1]);
See Pull Request #52462 for usage details, including videos of assets based on the types of prefetching strategies.
Make expectsChoice() Assertion More Intuitive with Associative Arrays
Jess Archer made updates to the expectsChoice() assertion method when passing an associative array:
$this->choice(‘Choose an option’, [
‘one’ => ‘One’,
‘two’ => ‘Two’,
‘three’ => ‘Three’,
When using expectsChoice(), you would need to write the expectation as follows:
// Before
$this->expectsChoice(‘Choose an option’, ‘one’, [
After updating to Laravel 11.21, you can now do the following instead:
// After
$this->expectsChoice(‘Choose an option’, ‘one’, [
‘one’ => ‘One’,
‘two’ => ‘Two’,
‘three’ => ‘Three’,
See Pull Request #52408 for more details.
Force Destroying a Soft-deleted Model
Jason McCreary contributed a forceDestroy() convenience method to remove a record while using the SoftDeletes trait:
// Before
$comment = Comment::find(1);
// After
// Destroy multiple records
// Also, `forceDestroy()` returns an int count of destroyed records:
$count = Comment::forceDestroy([1, 2]);
Add countBetween() to AssertableJson
Borys Żmuda contributed a between() method to the AssertableJson class, which asserts that items are either greater than or equal to the minimum, or less than or equal to the maximum value:
$response->assertJson(fn (AssertableJson $json) => $json
->countBetween(10, 30)
Get the Stream Response from Laravel’s HTTP Client
Einar Hansen contributed a resource() method for the HTTP client’s Response class, which allows you to directly obtain a PHP stream resource from the response body:
// Before
use GuzzleHttpPsr7StreamWrapper;
$response = Http::get($imageUrl);
// After
$response = Http::get($imageUrl);
Storage::disk(‘s3’)->writeStream(‘thumbnail.png’, $response->resource());
See Pull Request #52412 for more examples and implementation details.
Add withoutHeaders() Test Helper
Milwad Khosravi contributed a withoutHeaders() method to skip headers during a test request. It was already possible to remove headers individually, and this update allows removing an array of headers in one call:
// Before:
// After:
->withoutHeaders([‘name’, ‘foo’])
Release notes
You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 11.20.0 and 11.21.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog:
[11.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in
[11.x] Fix docblock for the event dispatcher by @seriquynh in
[11.x] fix: Update text email template by @tranvanhieu01012002 in
[11.x] Make expectsChoice assertion more intuitive with associative arrays. by @jessarcher in
[11.x] Add resource() method to IlluminateHttpClientResponse by @einar-hansen in
[10.x] fix: prevent casting empty string to array from triggering json error by @calebdw in
[11.x] Add ResponseInterface mixin to IlluminateHttpClientResponse by @einar-hansen in
[11.x] Don’t touch BelongsTo relationship when it doesn’t exist by @patrickomeara in
[11.x] Fix Factory::afterCreating callable argument type by @villfa in
[11.x] Auto-secure cookies by @fabricecw in
fix: add missing phpdoc types for Model::$table and Model::$dateFormat by @taka-oyama in
[11.x] Add withoutHeaders method by @milwad-dev in
Checking availability before calling Log::flushSharedContext() method by @ajaxray in
[11.x] MessageBag errors out when custom rules are created and the class is left out of the message array by @DanteB918 in
Create Notification make command markdown name placeholder from Notif… by @hosseinakbari-liefermia in
[11.x] Add forceDestroy to SoftDeletes by @jasonmccreary in
Make SQLiteProcessor cope with ‘/’ in column names by @vroomfondle in
[11.x] Improve Cookie Testing Coverage by @saMahmoudzadeh in
[11.x] Fix for #52436 artisan schema:dump infinite recursion by @rust17 in
Run prepareNestedBatches on append/prependToChain & chain by @SabatinoMasala in
[11.x] Enhance DB inspection commands by @hafezdivandari in
[11.x] Constrain key when asserting database has a model by @patrickomeara in
Add between to AssertableJson by @rudashi in
[11.x] Eager asset prefetching strategies for Vite by @timacdonald in
[11.x] Support attributes in app()->call() by @innocenzi in
[11.x] Applying value Function into the $default value of transform helper by @devajmeireles in
[11.x] Enhanced typing for HigherOrderCollectionProxy by @Voltra in
[11.x] Add expectsSearch() assertion for testing prompts that use search() and multisearch() functions by @JayBizzle in
[11.x] revert #52510 which added a unneeded function call by @rodrigopedra in
The post Asset Prefetching Strategies with Vite in Laravel 11.21 appeared first on Laravel News.
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