This week, the Laravel team released v11.11, with support for third-party relations in the model:show command, new Collection methods, new…
Searching for the content you’re interested in is a fundamental part of the forum experience. In our… Source: Read MoreÂ
Laravel administration panel Source: Read MoreÂ
When writing tests for API responses in Laravel, it can be useful to validate the structure of the response. Laravel…
Backend… check. Now time to wire up our frontend. Inertia actually makes this a breeze, with the… Source: Read MoreÂ
In this workshop, we’ll review how to use Laravel Socialite to implement Github-based authentication into an existing… Source: Read MoreÂ
"He doesn’t like you… I don’t like you either…" is hopefully something our users won’t say too… Source: Read MoreÂ
Turbo Laravel gives you a set of conventions to make the most out of the Hotwire stack (inspired by turbo-rails…
Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Laravel without transpiling or bundling. Source: Read MoreÂ
Our next step is to create the controller logic that will allow our users to actually like… Source: Read MoreÂ
I know I’ve spent this series telling you to avoid optimizing too quickly, but I want to… Source: Read MoreÂ
Minify your blade views, html, css and js files on the fly for Laravel 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10…
Creating a DateTime from a Unix timestamp will be more convenient in PHP 8.4 with the new createFromTimestamp() method. It…
LALI Components is a Neovim plugin for autocompletion of Laravel and Livewire components by community member Ricardo Ramirez. It offers…
Monitor your user and all activity on your application Source: Read MoreÂ
When Laravel moved to the new minimal default Exception Page in Laravel 11.9, Spatie released a Laravel Share Error package…
Laravel Herd v1.7 is now out and includes a few new features to the dump UI. The MacOS version is…
Time sure flies by! Backpack for Laravel has been around for so many years now, everybody in the team is…
Every application eventually needs pruning – the act of cleaning up outdated database records. You may have… Source: Read MoreÂ
Sentry and Laravel announced a new partnership, making Sentry the preferred monitoring and debugging solution for Laravel projects using Forge…